Global Capital Markets

About the Program

Financial markets have evolved over the past few years and become very robust and complex in nature. To be able to succeed, it requires specialized knowledge and skills of both the functioning of the markets and the financial instruments.

These e-learning modules on financial markets and instruments not only offer the readers a basic understanding of the various markets and instruments but also provide detailed knowledge covering the qualitative and quantitative aspects of all markets and the instruments traded therein.

This is a self-paced program. Self-paced programs create a unique learning experience that allows students to learn independently and at a pace that best suits them.

Tuition: $1,150

Duration: 100 Hours

Students will have access to the program for 1 full year.

Prerequisites: HS diploma/GED, basic computer skills and familiarity with the internet

To learn more about ETI’s tuition and financial aid options, click here.

Course Outline


Commodity and Energy Markets

Equity Markets

Fixed Income Markets


Foreign Exchange Markets

Money Markets

Trading Operation Controls