PMI: Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP)

Certification Exam Prep


About the Program

This online program is aligned with the Agile Certified Practitioner exam objectives developed by the Project Management Institute®.

As a project manager, a PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI ACP) will inevitably be called upon to address ethical dilemmas. The type and complexity of these dilemmas can vary significantly from balancing the competing interests of stakeholders to adhering to conflicting legal, multi-cultural, and multi-national rules, regulations, and requirements. Addressing these issues is much more complex than simply deciding what is right and what is wrong. In an increasingly global network, project managers must proactively seek to understand cultural diversity, and how to work successfully with multi-national teams. Sensitivity to other groups, their social customs, and their means of doing business is key to success. Often, a project manager will need to weigh all competing interests fairly and objectively in order to make the ethical decision that will have the most far-reaching benefits.


This course prepares the student to take the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI ACP) certification exam.

The certification exams are not a requirement for graduation. Vendor certifications are at the student’s expense. Vouchers may be available depending on the student’s funding and financial aid.


Duration: 10 Hours

This program is self-paced. Self-paced programs create a unique learning experience that allows students to learn independently and at a pace that best suits them.

Includes e-book and test review questions.

Prerequisites: HS diploma/GED, basic computer skills and familiarity with the internet

Students have full access to the program for one year.

To learn more about ETI’s tuition and financial aid options, click here.

COURSE Outline

Mentoring PMI Agile Certified Practitioner
Principles and Methodologies
Project Planning
Project Scheduling and Monitoring
Stakeholders Engagement and Team Development
Key Exam Concepts
TestPrep PMI Agile Certified Practitioner